TOLL FREE FOR USA-CANADA: 1-866-356-5524
(Call Us, English speakers crew)
Business Hours: Monday to Sunday: 9 am 1 pm
(by mornings) - 4pm - 8 pm (by afternoons)
Peruvian Time Zone: GMT - 5 hours
About Andean Life
Andean Life is an adventure tour operator located in the heart of Cusco, the historic capital of the Inca Empire. The company was established in 1997 by local guides with the aim of operating quality treks and tours in the Cusco region. Over the years we have built up a professional team of guides, cooks, porters and horsemen as well as excellent camping equipment. By providing a
relaxed and enjoyable working environment together with being able to provide constant work throughout the year Andean Life has been lucky enough to attract some of the best guides in Peru. You’ll find that trekking with a guide who knows and loves the country will help educate you about Peru’s amazing history and culture, providing you with an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Our company emphasis is on providing a personal service and ensuring that everyone in the group returns satisfied.
The Andean Life Team
The Staff here at Andean Life take a slightly different approach to life than the usual office employee. We're not travel agents sitting behind a desk in suits advising you on things that we've only read about in books – we're made up of people with real experience in travelling, all from different backgrounds but with a genuine love of Peru: its culture, its mountains and jungles, and its even been known for us to enjoy a night out in the occasional bar or disco!
The staff in our office here in Cusco are made up of the following:
William Amaru, 33, Manager, Trekking Guide & Tour Leader
Born and bred in Peru's Inca heartland Cusco, William has been a professional guide for the last 10 years. He knows the Inca Trail like the back of his hand, he should do, he's walked it over 150 times and ran it once in 6 hours ! (or so he says). William is our expert on trekking in the Andes and Peruvian history and culture. This year (2004) William hopes to escape the office more often and get back to guiding some of our groups again - the work that he enjoys most.
Pathy Amaru, 33, Office Manager & Guide
William's wife Pathy is one of Peru's growing number of professional female guides. Pathy leads groups on the Inca Trail as well as on expeditions all over Peru. However she can often be found in our office giving out information and advice and organizing the treks when William is away trekking.
The Guides
Andean Life employs 12 professional guides on a permanent basis and another 8 guides on a freelance basis. All of our guides are local to the Cusco region and are well experienced not only in the treks and archeological ruins but in local traditions, culture and flora and fauna.
Our Cooks and Porters
Andean Life employs 8 full time cooks and over 120 porters (80 on a permanent basis and 40 on a more informal basis during the high season when demand is greatest). For more information on porter welfare and our commitment to helping porter communities see our Responsible Tourism section)
Code of Practice
At Andean Life we want you to enjoy Peru as much as we do. We don't want to sell you anything you don't want or talk you into a trek that you may not be ready for so feel free to email us with any of your queries. We also understand that you may have concerns about your consumer rights in another country. To put your mind at rest we have taken every effort to comply with all Peruvian legislation and codes of good practice and have taken many additional security measures to give you peace of mind. Some or the main measures are listed below:
1. Andean Life Tour Operator S.A.C is a registered company in Cusco, Peru, (Registro Unificado No 636739 Sector Turismo).
2. Andean Life Tour Operator S.A.C has been granted a license to operate as a tour operator by the Cusco Municipal Council (Municipalidad del Qosqo licencia de funcionamiento No 006728). Many so called tour companies do not have a license to operate tours, only to act as intermediate travel agencies and some companies have no licenses at all.
3. Andean Life is a member of AATC (Associacion de Agencias de Turismo del Cusco or the Cusco Tourism Agency Association. Certificate No.0135).
4. Andean Life is licensed by the UGM to operate the Inca Trail
Before paying any money we will give you a written contract of services itemizing exactly what is included in the tour.