Planning your trip to make the most of the Peruvian weather is not as straight forward as it seems. This page gives details of the seasonal variations in the climate for the Coast, the Sierra (or highlands) and the Amazon Jungle.
Advice on pre-departure preparations such as recommended immunizations, information to help remain healthy whilst traveling and what to do when you return.
Peru ranks amongst the world's great centers of ancient civilization. Their remains fascinate travelers and archaeologists alike.
Our best advice is first buy a good guide book and read it. Decide how long you've got to travel, where you want to go, and how much it'll cost when you get there. Then plan your total budget. Don't try to see everything and visit as many countries as you can or you'll find you've spent all your time traveling on buses looking for new accommodation and places to eat. Try to build a bit of flexibility into your program and leave plenty of days free to relax in places that you enjoy.
Main Office N° 1 : Calle Santa Teresa 381, Plaza de Armas, Cusco, Peru
Office N° 2 : Calle Plateros 372, Plaza de Armas, Cusco, Peru
(Both ones located just half block from the main square of Cusco City) Fax Telephone: 00-51-84-261269 Emergency Mobil Phone: 00-51-84-9673544
Licensed Inca Trail tour operator, specialists in trekking in the Andes (Inca Trail to Machu Picchu and other treks) ŠAndean Life 1999 - 2005. All material within this web site is original work and subject to national and international copyright laws and cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder. All rights reserved.