All-Hotels is working with many new discount hotel suppliers to ensure that you get some of the cheapest rates on the Internet. We have great deals including hotel accommodation in :
Hotel Libertador:
Hotel Monasterio: Direction: Calle Palacios 136, Plazoleta Nazarenas, Cuzco (Cusco), Peru, Phone: +51 84 24 1777
Hotel Picoaga: Direction: Santa Teresa 344 - Cusco - Perú ,Phone: (5184) 25-2330 / 25-2331 / 22-7691 Fax: (5184) 22-1246
Hotel Casa Andina: Direction: Santa Catalina Angosta 149, Phone: (51 84) 23-3661 Fax number: (51 84) 22-4461
Hotel Dorado: Direction: Av. El Sol 395 - Cusco.
Hotel Novotel: Direction: San Augustin 239, Phone : (+51)84/581030 Fax : (+51)84/581044 - Cusco - Peru
José Antonio: Direction: Av. Pardo 1080 Phone: +51 084 239030 Cusco - Peru